About Us

Palm Elementary School is in the Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District. Palm has 686 TK1-5 students, 39 certificated staff member and 24 classified staff members. The staff at Palm School works diligently to continually improve the educational experience for students.

During the 2015-2016 school year, Palm School was awarded the Gold Ribbon School Award from the California Department of Education for its academic success and exemplary school culture. Palm School was awarded Gold level PBIS award through the Fresno County Office of Education for the exemplary positive behavior interventions and supports offered at the school site.  Additionally, Palm School was awarded a Silver Distinction level by the California PBIS coalition in 2017-2018 school year.

The staff at Palm Elementary school are dedicated to the students of the Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified school district in that we ensure all students will be college and career ready and will be able to compete in a global economy.  In order to accomplish this task we have infused the 6 graduate outcomes into everything we do at Palm Elementary.  It is our duty to ensure that all students are College and Career Ready, Are Critical Thinkers & Collaborative Problem Solvers, are Powerful Communicators, are Creative & Quality Producers, are Leaders & Ethical Decision Makers, and are Productive Citizens.  The path to college and career begins here. 

Palm Elementary...Where Passion and Commitment come together to make great things happen.

Panther Code of Conduct

Make good decisions.                      

Solve problems.


respect ourselves
respect others
respect this place   

"It's the mighty panther way!"