Palm Elementary Schools Social Emotional Learning Team offers a data-driven comprehensive program that addresses the Academic, Social-Emotional, Behavior, Mental Health and College/Career needs of all of our students.
Addressing the Social Emotional Needs of All Students
Cutler Orosi Joint Unified School District established a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) team at each site which is composed of School Counselors, Educational Social Workers, and School Psychologists. The Social Emotional Learning team plays a vital role in integrating socio-emotional learning practices that support the mental health, behavioral, and academic needs of all students. The Social Emotional Learning team supports schools in creating a safe, caring, responsible, and supportive environment for all students by teaching life skills. Students at COJUSD are provided with the skills to recognize and manage emotions, develop caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging situations effectively. A major review of Social Emotional Learning research provides strong evidence that building social and emotional skills improves student attitudes, behaviors, and academic performance. The past few months the Social Emotional Learning team has provided school-wide activities that promote the improvement of attendance, bullying prevention, and a positive school climate.